By late 2019 and early 2020, border closures and confinement measures abruptly interrupted the protests that were emerging around the world. In Hong Kong, the continuation of the pro-democracy protests that began in 2014, the protests against police brutality in the USA, and many protests against inequality in several Latin American countries. In turn, during these nearly 20 months, the restrictions related to the pandemic allowed the strengthening of governments’ totalitarian ways that increased this inequality gap, especially in Latin America.
This paralysis of widespread demonstrations, which left marches and protests at their height, generated the need to rethink and create alternative forms of civil resistance that we wanted to study in the context of the Convergence project of the New Media Class, about the near possibilities after the pandemic. At the end of WS20/21, “Bi0film.net” explored the technologies of the living organisms for this near future, in which the continuation of the social outbreak, in countries like Colombia, was almost inevitable...
Originally published in:
Berlin University of the Arts.
Text by Jung Hsu and Natalia Rivera
Proofreading of the original text: Sandra Ramos