Suratómica Network
Suratómica is a network of organizations, groups, collectives, and creatives at a global scale that, under the ideas of collaboration and openness, generates diverse spaces of undisciplined encounters for new knowledge creation. With a focus on Latin America, the Suratómica Network promotes new dialogues between diverse ways of knowing, opening spaces for creation and experimentation to strengthen reflection on the arts, sciences, society and alternative forms of organization.
In December 2018, a bridge was created between two contexts that were under developing at the same time, one in Bogotá, and another in Vienna and Geneva. In Colombia, the growth of the Network for Creation - Art and Science originated in the Encounters, which were created by the Mutante laboratory in 2016. In Austria and Switzerland, the collaboration of Cuántico with the art@CMS program of the CMS Experiment at CERN. With the aim of creating this bridge between the experiments of a scientific organization such as CERN and the artistic creation in Latin America, through Colombia, we generated this first connection.
At the beginning of 2019 we began the creation of what would later be the first program: the Suratómica Residency, with the support of various artists, researchers and organizations, and in collaboration with the Creata agency, which supported the first phase of it. In April 2019 we launched this program at the 7th Encounter of Creation - Art and Science A|CERCA DEL ORIGEN (Close to/About the Origin) in Maloka. The scientific community in Colombia, linked to the various experiments at CERN, supported us from the beginning through the Colombian Network on High Energy Physics CONHEP and together we opened various encountering spaces such as seminars and workshops, and we carried out the creation residence at the CERN laboratories, with eight Colombian artists, in September of the same year.
From October 2019, in the context of the new connections that were generated during the Residency, Suratómica ceases to be a program and becomes a global network. A network of many creatives from all over the world connected, among others, to the ORIGIN global network of high-energy physics and astrophysics experiments (which includes, in addition to the CERN experiments, experiments such as LIGO, VIRGO, IceCube and Muographix), the UCLA Art-Sci Center, the BioCrea Network, the Cambridge Center for Music and Science, and various local projects, organizations, and networks, such as the CONHEP Network, the Faculties of Sciences and Arts at Universidad Nacional, the National Astronomical Observatory, the Faculty of Sciences at Universidad de los Andes, the Faculty of Sciences at Universidad de Antioquia, the Department of Aesthetics at Universidad Javeriana, the CorpoGen research center, the Tecnopoéticas Research Group, the Enjambre interzone, the Cratila Network, the Creation - Art and Science Corporation, and of course the three organizations that initiated this process: art@CMS, Cuántico and Mutante.