Jun 11, 2023
Holobionte. Bioart laboratory on the ecosystem that we are.
2023.06.13-20 Place: Prosa del Mundo Duration: 4 hours INTENSITY AND HEIGHT Critical and Experimental Thinking Conference Organized by...

Dec 17, 2022
Creation group - Queer Forms of Life
What are those queer forms of life that emerge from the interaction among arts, biology and technology?

Dec 7, 2022
Experimental video creation workshop on the quantum in the everyday life / the macro. 7th COMHEP Colombian Meeting on High Energy Physics

![Other [tiny] forms of life, other ways to comprehend and co-exist](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e9be58_b68dd361a0bb419db437225c22edd7a7~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_187,h_187,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/e9be58_b68dd361a0bb419db437225c22edd7a7~mv2.webp)
Jul 10, 2022
Other [tiny] forms of life, other ways to comprehend and co-exist
A robust proposal that articulates creative methodologies from the arts and the sciences, with experimental pedagogical processes.

Jun 12, 2021
Expanded Bestiary Laboratory - MICRO Version
En este laboratorio lxs participantes imaginaron nuevos organismos microbianos, basados en las posibilidades que ofrece la edición genética.